LeetCode 146: LRU Cache

Claire Lee
3 min readSep 30, 2022


Use a doubly linked list to maintain elements in order of use and a hash map to keep track of elements present in the cache.

LRU cache summary card


Design a Least Recently Used(LRU) cache

  • positive size capacity (no need to handle capacity == 0 edge case)
  • evict policy: discard least recently used key when the cache is full
  • implement two functions, get and put
    1. get: input → (key int); output → return value or -1 if key is not existed
    2. put: input → (key int, value int); update the value and the cache if key is existed
  • The functions get and put must each run in O(1) average time complexity.


We use doubly linked list to maintain elements in order of use. The least recently used key at the head and the most recently used key at the tail. This lets us access or remove elements at the head or tail in O(1) time. However, searching an element in a linked list runs in O(n) time because we have to traverse the whole linked list. A hash map can allow us to get a quick lookup. The hash map contains keys and refer to nodes in the doubly linked list. So we are able to access the node in O(1) time.

Graphical Explanation

  • get(key)
get logic
  • put(key, value)
put logic
  • process

Code Implementation


- get(key): O(1)
- set(key, value): O(1)

Space: O(c)
c: the capacity of the cache



You can access the source code here.

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