Palindrome: String and Linked List

Claire Lee
4 min readOct 30, 2022


Palindrome check in string using two pointers technique. Two pointers are set initially at the start and end of the string, and then move toward each other if the two characters referenced by the pointers are matched. In linked list, find the middle of the linked list and then reverse the the linked list from middle to end. Check if node’s value in the first half (head to mid-1) and second half (mid to end) of the linked list are matched one by one.

palindrome summary card


A sequence is the same both forwards and backwards. A single character is considered to be a palindrome


Palindrome String


Use two pointers technique. Set up two pointers, left and right, at each end. Then check whether if two characters pointed by left and right are matched or not. If they are mismatch, the string is not a palindrome. Otherwise, move toward each other and compare until left and right pointers cross each other.

Graphical Explanation

  • step1: set up left and right pointers at each end
  • step2: match two characters referenced by left and right pointers
string[left] != string[right] → not a palindrome
string[left] == string[right] → left += 1, right -= 1

Repeat step2 until left and right pointers cross each other.

palindrome string process

Code Implementation


Time: O(n)
Sapce: O(1)
n: the length of the string



Palindrome Linked List


Find the middle of the linked list. If the linked list has an even number of nodes, find the second middle node. Then reverse the linked list from middle to end. Finally, check if node’s value in the first half (head to mid-1) and second half (mid to end) of the linked list are matched one by one.

  • Find the middle of the linked list
    Use slow and fast pointers begin at the head of the linked list. Slow pointer moves one step and fast pointer move two steps at a time. When fast pointer reaches the end(fast is null or is null), the slow pointer will be at the middle of the linked list.
linked list has even nodes
linked list has odd nodes
  • Reverse linked list operation
prev = null
current = head
while current is not null:
next = = prev
prev = current
currnet = next
prev is head of the reversed linked list
reverse linked list

Graphical Explanation

linked list
  • step1: find the middle of the linked list
  • step2: reverse the second half of the linked list
  • step3: check if node’s value in the first and second half of the linked list are matched one by one
step 1–2
step 3

Code Implementation


Time: O(n)
Sapce: O(1)
n: the number of nodes in the linked list



You can access the source code here.

LeetCode Problem:

