Sorted Array and BST Conversion
Binary Search Tree is a sorted binary tree. Construct a BST from a sorted array by finding the middle element of the sorted array as root and recursively implementing the same operation on the left and right subtree. On the other hand, perform in-order traversal on the BST to build an array in ascending order.
Table of Contents· Binary Search Tree(BST)
· Convert Sorted Array to BST
∘ Graphical Explanation
· Convert BST to Sorted Array
∘ Graphical Explanation
· Code Implementation
∘ Complexity
∘ Golang
∘ Python
Binary Search Tree(BST)
A binary search tree is a sorted binary tree. Every node in the tree follow a specific ordering property:
# unique values
key: left subtree < node < right subtree# duplicate values(depend on the problem's definition)
key: left subtree <= node < right subtree
key: left subtree < node <= right subtree
Convert Sorted Array to BST
LeetCode 108: Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
The approach works by picking the middle element in the sorted array as root for the binary tree. Then, recursively implement the same operation on the left and right subtree.
Graphical Explanation
- step1: calculate the middle index of the sorted array
midIdx = floor((startIdx + endIdx)/2)
- step2: set the middle element as root
- step3: recursively implement step1 and step2 on the left subtree and right subtree
startIdx to midIdx - 1 --> left subtree
midIdx + 1 to endIdx --> right subtree
Convert BST to Sorted Array
Perform in-order traversal on the BST to visit nodes in ascending order.
Graphical Explanation
Code Implementation
- Convert Sorted Array to BST
Time: O(n)
Space: O(n)
n: the total number of elements in the given array - Convert BST to Sorted Array
Time: O(n)
Space: O(n)
n: the total number of elements in the given array