Merge Sort Algorithm

Claire Lee
3 min readSep 20, 2022


A non in-place sorting algorithm that recursively cuts the array into halves until every subarray has only one element. Then it continuously merges smaller sorted subarrays to a larger one until it builds up a single sorted array. This algorithm runs in O(nlog(n)) time.

merge sort summary card

How Does Merge Sort Algorithm Work?

Split…, merge and sort….

Merge sort algorithm keeps splitting the array in half until it reaches a singleton array(base case to stop the recursion). After that, it merges the subarrays in a sorted manner until the whole array is combined to a single sorted array.

This algorithm uses Divide and Conquer strategy to divide an array into subarrays. When the subarray is sorted, it combines the smaller sorted subarrays to a larger one. Finally, the whole array is sorted.

how merge sort works

Graphical Explanation

sorting array
  • step1: Split the array recursively until it has only one element left.
  • step2: Merge and sort the subarray recursively until the whole array is sorted.
merge sort process

Code Implementation


Time: O(nlog(n))
Space: O(n)
n: the total number of elements in the input array


  • mergeSort(array)
# base case
if len(array) <= 1:
# find middle index
midIdx = len(array)/2
leftSortedArray = mergeSort(array[:midIdx])
rightSortedArray= mergeSort(array[midIdx:])
# merge two smaller sorted subarray to a larger sorted array
merge(leftSortedArray, rightSortedArray)
  • merge(arrayOne, arrayTwo)
merged = []while arrayOne and arrayTwo is not empty:
# compare the first element, add the smaller one to the merged array
if arrayOne[0] < arrayTwo[0]:
append arrayOne[0] to merged array
remove the front element in the arrayOne
append arrayTwo] to merged array
remove the front element in the arrayTwo
append the rest of elements in arrayOne or arrayTwo to the merged array





Claire Lee
Claire Lee

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