QuickSort Algorithm

Claire Lee
4 min readSep 19, 2022


A in-place sorting algorithm that picks a “pivot” element from an array and partition the rest of the elements into two subarrays. Elements less than the pivot are move to the left subarray and elements greater than the pivot are move to the right subarray. The algorithm sorts those subarrays recursively. On average, quicksort runs in O(nlog(n)) time. In worst case, it is O(n²) time when unluckily keep choosing the smallest or the greatest element as a pivot.

QuickSort summary card

How Does QuickSort Algorithm Work?

Recursively pick, rearrange, and partition.

1. Pick a pivot from the array

There are many different ways to choose a pivot from the given array.

  • the first element(implemented here)
  • the last element
  • a random element
  • median

2. Rearrange the array

  • move elements less than the pivot to the left side(not in sorted order yet)
  • move elements greater than the pivot to the right side(not in sorted order yet)
  • put the pivot at its correct position in a sorted array
array after rearrange

3. Partition

Divide the array into two smaller subarrays, left(elements less than pivot)and right subarray(elements larger than pivot). Recursively sort each subarray until it contains a single element(base case).

how quicksort works

For each pass, only the pivot is at its final position in the sorted array. The left and right subarrays are continuous to be sorted recursively and respectively.

Graphical Explanation

sorting array
  • step1: Pick a pivot. (We choose the first element as a pivot to implement here.)
  • step2: Rearrange the array
rearrange array
  • step3: Partition
    Divide the array to left and right subarray based on the pivot
  • step4: Recursively implement step1 to step3 until all the subarrays have only one element left.

Code Implementation


Time: Best O(nlog(n)), Average O(nlog(n)), Worst O(n²)
The worst case occurs when the greatest or smallest element is always picked as a pivot.
Space: O(n) for recursive call stacks
n: the total number of elements in the input array


# base case
if startIdx >= endIdx:
# pick the first element as a pivot
pivotIdx = startIdx
leftIdx = startIdx + 1
rightIdx = endIdx
# rearrange the array
while leftIdx <= rightIdx:
if array[leftIdx] > array[pivotIdx] and array[rightIdx] < array[pivotIdx]:
swap array[leftIdx] and array[rightIdx]
if array[leftIdx] <= array[pivotIdx]:
leftIdx += 1
if array[rightIdx] >= array[pivotIdx]:
rightIdx -= 1
swap array[pivotIdx] and array[rightIdx]# partition
quickSort(left subarray)
quickSort(right subarray)





Claire Lee
Claire Lee

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